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Specialist Setting (Gunyah)

Welcome to Gunyah

Gunyah is an alternative education setting for students who require intensive specialised interventions in an Autism Support Class. The Aboriginal meaning of the word 'Gunyah' is ‘place of shelter'.

In this setting specialist teachers provide a nurturing education that encompasses the whole child. The goal for each student who accesses Gunyah is to transition to mainstream education. The timing of the transitional process is determined by individual needs, and completed in consultation with CEDoW personnel, teachers, parents and carers.

For a student to be offered a placement in Gunyah, an appropriate validated diagnosis will be required. Placement in this setting is completed in conjunction with the school’s enrolment process and the School Improvement Specialist Support team of the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong.

The Council of Catholic School Parents (CCSP) Special Needs Working Party has developed a valuable resource to assist parents of children with diverse learning needs.

Click here for Enrolment Information



Specialist Setting (Gunyah)